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 is a  y/o otherwise healthy  with midepigastric pain worsened with eating, most consistent with gastritis. Reassuring that his pain was relieved with OTC antacids. Differential includes GERD, early gastroenteritis, PUD. Low suspicion for referred cardiac etiologies given age and lack of fmhx early heart disease. Denying chest pain. No infectious symptoms (tachypnea, fever/chills, etc) to suggest bacterial infection such as PNA or biliary tree infection. No urinary symptoms to suggest UTI, no RLQ or migratory pain or fever to indicate a concern for appy. No blood/mucus in stool to suggest invasive bacterial species. Otherwise well-appearing child, tolerating adequate PO and not dehydrated.

Plan: discharge to home with return precautions, encourage PO hydration,  recommend OTC meds such as ranitidine, tums

from natedotphrase.com

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